Telecoms World PLC

Telecoms World PLC has been in the industry of hosted telecoms for over 15 years and deals directly with leading manufacturers and distributors to provide a quality service to their customers. They provide an award-winning range of products and services, backed up with UK-based sales, order provisioning team and highly commended customer support team.

The Challenge

Telecoms World has a high performing website with an average of 1000 daily visitors; generated from paid ads, organic searches, social media marketing and email marketing campaigns. They were capturing many leads through various enquiry forms across different landing pages, through a live-chat option, as well as prominently providing a phone number for prospective customers to call. However, they felt they were losing a lot of potential customers and wanted to look at alternative options to capture leads.

Calldrive Solution

Callnow instant callback button is a lead generation tool to boost conversions. The Callnow plugin was implemented so, that when a visitor is on the Telecoms World website, they will see the Callnow button pop-up on the page. The visitor enters their landline or mobile phone number for a free, instant callback, then an agent is instantly assigned to call them back; all within 15 seconds and before the visitor even leaves the website


Telecoms World have seen significant results since implementing the Callnow instant call back button to their website. With an average of 75% increase in visitor interactions and a 60% increase in web sales; the simple click-to-call button exceeded all expectations and has become an invaluable lead generation tool.

Customer Requirements

  • Increase sales leads
  • Easily engage with more online visitors
  • Boost sales conversions of online visitors

Solution Components:

  • Implementing the Callnow plugin branded for the Telecoms World Website
  • 24/7 Call management to configure call and time of day routing
  • The Callnow dashboard means every click, call back and conversion can be analysed


We are extremely pleased with the results that Callnow has given our business. The Callnow plugin has increased our web sales by 60%. We wouldn't be without it now! It has also enabled us to serve our customers better and more efficiently by giving them various options to contact us or to choose how we contact them. I highly recommend Callnow instant call back service.

Neil Barrall - Managing Director